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ENVIRONMENT POLICY The company aims to be the most efficient and reliable steel producer and carry out its business operations with utmost regard for safety of the environment. It is committed to protect and improve the environment and abide by the laws and regulations concerning the same. ​CONCERNING THE PROMISE WE, SHALL Work towards environment protection, prevention of environmental pollution and environment improvement  around our business units. Adopt sound environment management practices to achieve sustainable growth Implement systems to deal with environmental issues, thereby ensuring compliance and reporting Evaluating effectiveness of system through regular audits and management reviews Continual improvement in our environmental performance

SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY TSUL confirms its assurance to provide safe work place environment to its personnel and other shareholders as an integral part of its business values. It will constantly enhance our Safety and Health routine in our activities, products and services through a structured Safety and Health management structure. ​CONCERNING THE PROMISE WE, SHALL; Ensure compliance with applicable SH legislations and other requirements Establish and achieve SH objectives Prevent SH risks through continual improvement in process and practices at all levels Ensure that SH is integrated in all managerial decision including: Procurement of materials; Selection of machinery / equipment, Selection / placement of personnel and setting up of projects, Carryout risk assessment associated with operations and take remedial measures proactively and implement system of health and safety audits

QUALITY POLICY Tembo Steels (U) Limited shall continually improve and strive to provide high quality, timely and cost-effective steel and gas products that conform to product standards, regulatory and customer requirements that support product quality and a framework for measuring and improving our performance. Tembo steels (U) Limited management is committed to quality manufacturing of hot and cold rolled steel profiles, oxygen and nitrogen products, and thus becoming the most diversified and integrated steel company in Africa with the largest product portfolio. This commitment shall be achieved through: 1. Setting measurable objectives that meet the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system. 2. Ensuring that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction. 3. Communicating throughout the company the importance of meeting customer needs and legal requirements. 4. Ensuring that the management review meeting sets and reviews the quality objectives, as well as reporting on and scrutinizing - the results of Internal Audits as a means of monitoring and measuring the processes and effectiveness of ISO 9001: 2015. 5. Encouraging all employees within the business to raise issues and assist in improving the quality performance of all TSUL activities. 6. Ensuring the availability of training and resources to fulfil quality needs. 7. Compliance with all relevant legal and other requirements as appropriate to our operations and activities.

GUIDING PRINCIPLES Support economic, social, educational, infrastructural and health development by providing active support to local initiatives. Create important difference in the lives of stakeholders by line up initiatives with ecological development. Optimal use of physical, financial and natural resources by collaborating with Government Organizations, community based organization. Ensure stakeholders participation in planning and execution of development initiatives to create ownership and accountability. Enhance capacity, skill and competence of employee, development partners, community and other stakeholders to enable them to involve in sustainable development initiatives. Organize local youths to promote Sports, Art and Culture and also create an opportunity for them so that they can represent their country. Environment conservation though sustainable initiatives.

SUSTAINABLE PROCESS​ TSUL Board Commities TSUL’s corporate control beliefs is derived from its values and ethical conduct. TSUL believes that corporate governance and ethics are overlying features and cannot be seen in isolation. The Code of Conduct details the code structure, which governs our principles as employees, managers, and business associates. TSUL has made significant progress in the direction to well-defined decision making structures In order to complement corporate governance at a functional level, we have an integrated Strategic and Operational Governance structure. In order to complement corporate governance at a functional level, we have an integrated Strategic and Operational Governance structure.

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